Following a pre-Budget rise of up to four pence per litre on widespread anticipation of an increase in duty, oversupply is currently keeping the price of red diesel fuel in a narrow range. However, with daily movements of up to one penny per litre, the market is currently described as being spiky. In the past two weeks, this has put typical deliveries of red diesel to farms at around 35-38 pence p… Read more
Great news for heating oil users as reported by the Fuel Oil News New industry figures show that despite a slow increase in heating oil prices since the start of 2016, the average annual cost of heating a home on oil has fallen again. According to the latest quarterly data from the Sutherland Tables oil remains by far the cheapest of all major home heating fuels. Although the sustained fall in … Read more
Are you storing your red diesel stock correctly? The regulations for storing red diesel can vary depending on the area in which your storage facility is based, how old the facility is, and the purpose for which you are using the fuel. However, incorrect fuel storage can have terrible environmental implications, meaning that even the most careful of red diesel users can get a little worried when it… Read more
When Can I Use Red Diesel? The rules on red diesel largely depend on your automobile and the purpose for which you are using it. The rules on red diesel apply to the following vehicles: • Tractors and light farming vehicles • Mowers • Road structure vehicles • Construction vehicles e.g. diggers and tippers • Moveable bulldozers and cranes • Gritters and vehicles used for clearing… Read more
Looking over a house that you’re planning to buy and finding an oil-based central heating system can be quite daunting, especially if you’re new to the idea. That’s why we’re here to put your mind at rest with this list of just a few advantages of using heating oil over gas for heating your home. Efficiency You will be glad to know that using an oil-based system to heat your home is highly… Read more
Heat your home with oil without paying any more than you need to. Follow the top tips listed below to get the most from your oil heater and save money without going cold. Comparison Shop Heating oil prices NI and UK change all the time, so just because your provider was the cheapest available when you signed up doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be in the same situation a few months or a yea… Read more
Although most UK households use gas for central heating purposes, around four million homes in the UK run oil-fired central heating systems. This can be down to a wide selection of different reasons, but most commonly it is because the main gas network is not close enough to connect to. Efficiency Oil-fired central heating is one of the most efficient ways to heat your home. When you use a good qu… Read more
If you are new to heating oil but want to learn more about it – for example if you’ve moved into a new place that uses heating oil in the central heating system – then you’ve come to the right place. This guide will give you all of the information that you need to understand your heating system. What is heating oil? There are two different types of heating oil which are commonly used for d… Read more
If you are ready to replace your heating boiler, it will probably come down to oil vs. gas. So what’s the difference? The Cheaper Option Heating oil may not be the cheaper option as gas has traditionally been the most popular heating fuel for UK consumers, mostly because it has always been low-cost, but there has been a massive shift in prices in recent months and with oil prices so low right no… Read more
Domestic oil prices are being priced lower than ever, however this wasn’t always the case. It was not so very long ago that analysts were sceptical the price of crude oil would fall below $30 a barrel. After all, in January 2014, crude oil was selling for more than $100 a barrel, which was hitting UK consumers pretty hard. Today the situation is very different. The price of oil has plummeted in … Read more