The Best Value Home Heating Oil Belfast, Greater Belfast and throughout Northern Ireland
Bringing You Cheaper Heating Oil Prices Everyday

Oil Prices in NI

Northern Ireland is very different from other parts of the United Kingdom in that about 68% of NI households heat their homes using heating oil. Because of this, oil prices in NI are a key component of household budgets, and it’s essential that consumers are able to access the best deals.   So what might affect oil prices in NI in 2017, and what can you do to ensure you get the best ava… Read more

Fuel Poverty In The UK

  Snow. Ice. Wind. Winter. 4 words that can cause some of us great joy; immediate thoughts of cosying up by the fire, watching TV with some food and maybe a cup of tea. There’s nothing better, bliss. This isn’t the thought we all have unfortunately, in fact, roughly 42% of those in Northern Ireland have a completely different thought this Winter. And that thought revolves around one thing… Read more

Heating Oil – The Best Choice for Consumers

Heating oil has been the cheapest way to heat your home since January 2015. So consumers who have condensing boilers have made an excellent choice, and many are now able to heat a three-bedroom house for £750 a year – very difficult to achieve with a gas boiler. An oil condensing boiler is much cheaper than any of the renewable energy options. The average annual bill for customers using oil… Read more

Red Diesel – Your Questions Answered

Please note the information contained in this blog may now be out of date. Please contact us if you need further information. Red diesel is nothing more or less than ordinary diesel fuel of the kind that you might put into a car, van or minibus at your local service station. Where it differs from that fuel, however, is that it is taxed at a lower rate for certain allowed industrial uses. So why th… Read more

Heating Oil Price Predictions

We’ve had a few people querying our opinion on whether the price of heating oil is set to rise. January is generally thought of to be one of the cheaper months to buy heating oil but unfortunately this isn’t the case for several reasons that we’ll get onto. Truthfully, it’s very hard to predict the price of oil due to the turbulent nature of today’s markets, few expected the prices t… Read more

Heating Oil Price Rise Imminent

We’ve had a few people querying our opinion on whether heating oil price is set to rise. January is generally thought of to be one of the cheaper months to buy oil but unfortunately this isn’t the case for several reasons that we’ll get onto. Truthfully, it’s very hard to predict the price of oil due to the turbulent nature of todays markets, few expected the oil price to dip so suddenly i… Read more

Northern Ireland in Line for Rises in Heating Oil Prices

Consumers in Northern Ireland who use oil for heating have been warned to get ready for heating oil prices to rise this autumn and winter. Home heating oil prices have been reaching all-year highs recently, and this follows a 40% rise in prices in just the last six months. This means that the average yearly bill for a three-bedroomed home is likely to rise by £175. The boss of a price-comparison … Read more

Oil Prices NI and New Boilers

The oil heating industry has been working hard to reduce its emissions and produce new boilers that are super-efficient. The EU has been bringing in standards to reduce emissions from all oil heating appliances. The UK industry originally challenged the timetable for this but has actually made great strides in producing new products that produce far lower emission levels. As a result of these effo… Read more

Effectiveness of Heating Oil Price Comparison

Price Comparison sites are becoming the norm, and even price comparison sites for home heating oil are beginning to become more popular. Nobody wants to be paying more than they should. That’s the bottom line. And at the same time nobody wants to go to the hassle of phoning up countless heating oil companies comparing prices to make sure they are not paying more than they should. That’s where … Read more

OPEC Agree Production Cut – Oil Price Shoots Up!

Just a few months back there was a major Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) announcement that began to halt production of oil which in turn drives the oil price up. They succeeded too, prices rose (in terms of home heating oil) from an average of £159 to around the £200 mark. That was still at a barrel price of around $48, an agreement between OPEC and non-OPEC countries today … Read more